Four hundred and sixteen participants, the majority in full time employment, completed a questionnaire survey assessing personality (Enneagram type, Big Five traits, personal values, implicit motives) and work-related variables (job attitudes and cognitions and occupational demographics). In doing so, the study is the first investigation into the validity and utility of the Enneagram model as a typology approach to personality in the workplace. First, to establish how the Enneagram Personality Typology relates to personality approaches that are more established within the research literature and second, to explore the relationship between Enneagram types and key workplace attitudes and cognitions. The aims of this study were therefore twofold. We make valid personality tests available to everyone and publish open-source accurate personality data.Despite the Enneagram Personality Typology growing in popularity within the workplace, little research has focused in it. The Personality Data Project is supported by universities and colleges worldwide. Worse still, if the Three is surrounded by someone whom they deem has achieved even greater success, they will feel discomfort and frustration, which in turn could spur them to act with even more competitive behavior as a means to compensate. Likewise, Threes often feel uncomfortable around those who are not aiming for success or achievement. This can be a strain on their personal relationships, from the Three finding competition with everyone around them, as well as their relentless need for validation. Type Threes have a consistent need for achievement and recognition from others of these achievements. This can also lead to a lower quality of life, as Threes could neglect their own personal needs with their excessive fixation on completing their objectives. Type Threes need for output and achievement can lend to be more focused with quantity rather than quality, as they find periods of down time to be wasted rather than necessary moments of recuperation and recharge. They wish to reinforce the image of themselves as being driven and this, in turn, pushes them to be driven.Īchieving or the appearance of achieving?įor many Type Threes, merely being industrious, diligent and hard-working isn't enough if no one is around to observe their achievements. Type Threes tend to be very image conscious, and make efforts to present themselves as ultra-driven, overachieving people. But for many Type Threes, merely being industrious, diligent and hard-working isn't enough if no one is around to observe their achievements. They enjoy being busy, and thrive off high levels of activity. Type Threes tend to be people of great energy, jumping into action readily and quickly. As a result, Type Threes tend to excel in roles where there is a degree of competition, and where effort and diligent has a direct correlation with the likelihood of success such as roles with sales quotes or easily identifiable results. This makes Type Threes competitive by nature, who become especially achievement-striving when facing competition. This desire to outperform is a large source of a motivation that drives them to action. Type Threes are always looking for ways to outperform those around them by achieving things greater than others. What it Means to be a Type 3 What is a Type 3 Enneagram? 'The Achiever' explained Type 3s therefore work hard and put in the extra effort into what they do, making sure to give their best at their tasks - even if the reward may not be justified.
It is the striving for the achievement in itself that is indicative of a Type 3, not that the goal choice.
These goals however are unique to the individual and are not type cast to things such as 'acquiring money' or 'getting a promotion'. They have high levels of drive and motivation, and work doggedly at achieving their goals.
Type 3s are inherently industrious and self-motivated, spending tremendous energy in striving for achievement. - Type 3 Arrows: Type 3s at Their Best and Their Worst.- Type 3: Heart Type, Head Type, or Body Type?.Enneagram Enneagram Type 3 - 'The Achiever' A summary of what a Type 3 Enneagram means